Work Plan

The objectives of iDev40 project are thematically grouped and clearly structured into 7 closely interacting work packages, supported by one strategic work package.

While the iDev40 approaches and solutions are created and implemented in work packages 1-4 and 7, work package 5 facilitates the collaboration between the project partners through the realization of project tasks within Use Cases. Work package 6 includes project management, risk mitigation and dissemination activities. The iDev40 concept and approach structure is illustrated in the following figure.

Work Package 1

Methods and Tools Enabling AI and ML in the ECS Domain

Work package one aims to semantically and automatically enrich data with properties which enable secure storage, tailored protection and validation of data. By integrating design and production data the rate of disconnected data sets will be reduced, which will lead to a decrease in data retrieval time and thus enhance the overall data quality. The elaboration of these technology targets is addressed by:

  • Data management, - sharing and –storage
  • Gathering, curating, pre-processing and updating/validating knowledge
  • Semantical annotation and enrichments of data by adopting AI and Deep Learning principles

WP Leader: Know (Know Center GmbH, Austria)

WP Partner:  IFAT, AVL, KNOW, KAI, CISC, TU Wien, Uni-Klu, IFAG, GD, Fernuni, USI, ECCENCA, Sirris, Yazzoom, Tecnalia, Ibermatica

Work Package 2

Virtualizing the ECS Value Chain

The focus in this work package is a sustainable and virtual integration of the development and production flow of multiple smart fabs towards a Smart Factory Network. To go beyond the existing isolated individual applications, new virtual technologies are developed and implemented combined with standardized toolboxes, to overcome media breaks between specific systems. The SmartFab Cluster Concept will enable smart engineering and development in terms of a global perspective.

WP Leader: IFD (Infineon Technologies Dresden GmbH, Germany)

WP Partner: IFAT, AIT, TTT, ViF, TU Wien, IFKL, IFAG, IFD, Frauenhofer, Systema, OTH, TU Dresden, FHG, Elmos, USi, WHZ, IFI, IFRO

Work Package 3

Digitization across Product Lifecycle

In this work package the focus is on developing technologies to create digital twin models. With a digital twin all necessary aspects of physical assets or larger systems can be immediately provided to the user regarding their actual need. These innovative technologies are intended to be for the use in manufacturing, predictive analysis, virtual prototype improvements and warranty & post-production.

WP Leader: AVL (AVL List GmbH, Austria)

WP Partner: IFAT, AVL, EVO, IFAG, Elmos, Eccenca, Sirris, Yazzoom, UniMiB, Tecnalia, Jema, Akting, Ibermatica.

Work Package 4

Skills & Work places 4.0 and Smart Collaboration in ECS Value chains

In this work package the complex interrelationships between the developed technology itself, the people who use it and the organizational and environmental context in which it is embedded will be investigated. The solutions elaborated in this project are explored regarding their technical, economic and social impact. Systems are developed which enable employees to manage complexity within ECS value chains to enhance key performance indicators.

WP Leader: HSZG (Hochschule Zittau-Görlitz, Germany)

WP Partner: IFAT, AVL, Know, AIT, ViF, Uni-Klu, IFAG, IFD, Systema, HTW, HSZG, Elmos, camLine

Work Package 5

Enable collaboration within Use Cases and maximize project exploitation

The aim of this work package is to support and safeguard the successful pilot and implementation of major iDev40 technologies within real industrial pilot environments. The potential impact of digitalization within the European ECS industry will be made visible by 18 use cases, demonstrated in operational environments. Loops of iterative learning are enabled between the work packages and with this cross-over also the processes of development and production will be connected. The opportunity of linking academic trainings and teaching activities with application-oriented research conducted at industrial standards is implied.

WP Leader: IFAT (Infineon Technologies Austria AG, Austria)

WP Partner: Consortium

Work Package 6

Project Management and Dissemination

The focus of this work package is to facilitate an efficient management framework that enables successful and sustainable results of the iDev40 project. It will be ensured that all project objectives and results are properly disseminated and communicated, in order to make the research activities visible to communities outside the project. With the University Milano-Bicocca, iDev40 has a dedicated Dissemination Leader who is highly experienced in dissemination activities which are considered an important element for the project.  

WP Leader: IFAT (Infineon Technologies Austria AG, Austria)

WP Partner: Consortium

Work Package 7

Activity funded from ESIF sources for Romanian partners

Due to special funding characteristics of the iDev40 projects a distinct work package for activities of the Romanian project partners was created. The activities and tasks of this work package support and contribute to activities in WP1, WP2 and WP5.

WP Leader: IFRO (Infineon Technologies Romania & Co. Societate in Comandita, Romania)


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