Presentations & Talks

S. Anger, M. Schellenberger, M. Pfeffer, V. Häublein, G. Roeder, A. Bauer (FHG)
Quicker from R&D to Line - A "Smart Experiments"
Workshop of GMM - Fachgruppe 1.2.3 Abscheide- und Ätzverfahren
Erlangen, Germany (2019)

R. Saifoulline, S. Friese, T. Jakubowitz, D. Reichelt, R. von der Weth (HTW)
Experimentelle Untersuchung der Auswirkungen digitalisierter Arbeitsplätze auf menschen in der Industrie 4.0 Modellfabrik
AOW Tagung - Neue Formen der Arbeit in der digitalisierten Welt
Braunschweig, Germany (2019)

Germar Schneider (IFD)
Chances & Challenges of Digitization in Semiconductor Fabs and Success Factors during the Implementation
Silicon Saxony Day
Dresden, Germany (2019)

Martin Wifling (ViF)
Coupled product and process factory twin
12th Graz Symposium Virtual Vehicle
Graz, Austria (2019)

Martin Wifling (ViF)
Function Oriented Process Control - Twin Factory Concept
Forum Produktion
Graz, Austria (2018)

Michael Spitzer (ViF)
Validierung komplexer Systeme - HoloLens learning features
ENABLING SPACE: Steirische Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft
Graz, Austria (2019)


R. von der Weth, T. Jakubowitz, S. Friese, R. Saifoulline (HTW)
Computersimulation komplexer Arbeitsanforderungen als Werkzeug für Qualifikation und prospektive Arbeitsgestaltung
AOW Tagung - Neue Formen der Arbeit in der digitalisierten Welt
Braunschweig, Germany (2019)

F. Naumann, F. Lindner, F. Winkler, D. Mühlan, S. Keils (HSZG)
Die Bedeutung "klassischer" Kompetenzen in der Digitalen Transformation
Workshop on E-Learning - WE
Leipzig, Germany (2019)


Base Architectures for Virtual/Physical Computing
Deliverable 2.7: Base Architectures for Virtual/Physical Computing
(iDev40, February 2021)

Virtual production with autonomous mobile industrial robots and interaction and training of operators
Deliverable 4.7: Virtual production with autonomous mobile industrial robots and interaction and training of operators
(iDev40, February 2021)

Report on AES implementation with speed and side channel immunity improvements
Deliverable 7.1: Report on AES implementation with speed and side channel immunity improvements
(iDev40, September 2020)

Yield estimation and prediction figures of merit and yield detracting factors determination
Deliverable 7.6: Yield estimation and prediction figures of merit and yield detracting factors determination
(iDev40, July 2020)

Report on virtual prototyping for DFM optimization
Deliverable 7.3: Report on virtual prototyping for DFM otpimization
(iDev40, June 2020)

Concept of Digitally Augmenting Human WorkEfficient Modelling of Electro-Thermo-Mechanical Stress During Fast Power Cycling Operation of an IC
Deliverable 7.7: Efficient Modelling of Electro-Thermo-Mechanical Stress During Fast Power Cycling Operation of an IC
(iDev40, April 2020)

Deliverable 4.5: Concept of Digitally Augmenting Human Work
(iDev40, October 2019)

Press Release iDev40
Deliverable D6.1: iDev40 Press Release
(iDev40, July 2018)

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