Kompetenzzentrum - Das virtuelle Fahrzeug
With its 200 employees, VIRTUAL VEHICLE Research Center (VIF) is a leading and experienced international acting RTO in the field of application-oriented vehicle development and future vehicle concepts for road and rail. More than a hundred national and international research projects in close collaborations with leading partners from industry and academia of various sectors (also from aerospace, building etc.) from all over the world have been conducted since 2002 at VIF. As the main shareholder the Graz University of Technology (TUG) connects VIF to more than 40 institutes enabling technical innovations in virtual vehicle development.
VIRTUAL VEHICLE Research Center is a proactive member in various technology platforms/associations such as the European Automotive Research Partners Association EARPA, the European Green Vehicle Initiative Association EGVIA and JTIs like ARTEMIS/ ECSEL - showing its strategic position in the global research environment and its well-orchestrated network channels with global reach.
VIRTUAL VEHICLE Research Center has positioned itself as an independent, international platform for research and development in the automotive industry. It addresses the gap between academic research and the needs of industrial R&D departments. VIF strives for full vehicle development using a multi-disciplinary approach and conducts research in various areas, including mixed criticality multi-core systems, embedded control systems for (hybrid) electric vehicles, ADAS, hardware/software co-simulation, model-based design and test, and virtual engineering.

Inffeldgasse 21/A
8010 Graz
VIRTUAL VEHICLE Research Center has developed the Independent Co-Simulation Platform ICOS which allows the integration of a variety of engineering domains based upon novel coupling algorithms. ICOS paves the way for cross-domain modeling, simulation and validation to develop first-time-right solutions in the automotive domain.
VIF may fill the gap between semiconductor manufacturers and the supporting electronics and software needed for the use cases and demonstrators. VIF brings in know-how and a tool to co-simulate and co-design hardware and software in real-time, i.e. capable of bridging the gap between electronic component and system level.
Being no member of the semiconductor industry, VIF can serve as a neutral but objective research partner to the project consortium. This is especially valuable for cross-linking technology requirements, assessing technology impacts of implemented use cases and writing case studies for dissemination. VIF also brings in intensive experience in requirements and systems engineering as well as in technology evaluation and impact assessment.
Key Contribution
VIF will innovate on a virtual production environment where the equipment coupling and functional testing can be virtually performed.
VIF will contribute to the development of a Smart Workplace and will design a people centered remote development process at zero failure attempt.
VIF will develop information cockpits for the context-sensitive tracking of development data and prototypes for intuitive augmented training for engineering and production.