Universität Klagenfurt
Universitaet Klagenfurt cover important elements of the so called Industry 4.0 based on the expertise in technical sciences, i.e., Bayesian statistics. that are not covered by other consortium partners.
Since its foundation in 1970, the Universitaet Klagenfurt (UNI-KLU) became part of the national and international academic landscape. The university consists of four faculties: Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies (IFF), Faculty of Humanities (KuWi), Faculty of Technical Sciences (TeWi) and Faculty of Management and Economics (WiWi). Moreover the university can act from three sites: Klagenfurt, Graz and Vienna. The following degree programmes are available: 17 Bachelor degree programmes, 22 Master degree programmes, 1 Secondary School Teaching Certificate and 5 Doctoral degree programmes. Around 10.700 students from 83 countries are currently studying at the Universitaet Klagenfurt. The university has long time experience with EU projects – solely 27 FP7 projects (project participations). The people at UNI-KLU are diverse, international and eager to learn. Equipped with excellent infrastructure and offering a wide range of support services. Around 1.500 employees strive for excellence in education, research and university management. Using a comprehensive process, the Universitaet Klagenfurt has looked carefully at how the research activities that are carried out at the UNI-KLU can be leveraged with regard to the “Grand Challenges”. This strategy process resulted in the development of seven cross-faculty thematic areas: Educational Research, Energy Management & Technology, Human Centered Computing and Design, Sustainability, Self-Organizing Systems, Entrepreneurship and Visual Culture. Among its core strengths, the UNI-KLU can count the vast diversity of knowledge, range of methodologies, and disciplines, with which researchers are able to tackle research questions: This additionally yields a broad spectrum of outstanding research work, emerging from subject fields and from faculties alike. By defining its profile so carefully, the UNI-KLU is able to further expand its visibility and competitiveness within the international scientific community, and to earn recognition as an outstanding partner in cooperation relationships in national and international research networks.
The research unit Operations Management & Logistics and the Department for Statistics will be responsible for the project work.

Universität Klagenfurt
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt
Unique expertise in Bayesian data analysis, optimization and related statistical methods.
The execution of tasks in WP1 and WP5 (Use Cases) will be supported with the expertise of UNI-KLU research team. Furthermore, UNI-KLU will take over the lead for task 1.2.2.
Key Contribution
The Universitaet Klagenfurt will provide their expertise in Statistical Process Control and in Bayesian data analysis to make efficient use of existing engineering expert knowledge and combine it with knowledge extracted from data bases.