Technische Universität Wien

Technische Universität Wien (TUW) is one of the largest and most successful education and research organizations in Austria.  It has about 20.000 students and a heavy emphasis on research in the engineering sciences. The Faculty of Informatics of TUW comprises about 3.000 students.  The Institute for Computer Engineering (ICE) is one of its seven computer science institutes.

TUW has a long legacy in European research projects, with high success rate and significant contributions to safety critical embedded systems, real-time systems, deterministic communication, service oriented design and cyber-physical systems. TUW has a significant experience in projects involving deterministic communication in industrial applications.

Research of TUW is also dedicated  to  all aspects of modeling, analysis and  control  of complex  dynamic  systems, model  checking,  abstract interpretation,  logic  and automata theory,  control  theory, computational  models  in systems  biology,  and software  and  systems engineering.

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Technische Universität Wien
Treitlstraße 1-3, 3. Floor
1040 Vienna

Research is  dedicated  to all  aspects  of real-time systems, fault-tolerant distributed algorithms, as well as  modelling and analysis of HW/SW architectures, artificial intelligence, runtime monitoring and verification.

Moreover,  research and teaching activities of the  CPS  focus on modeling, analysis  and control  of  complex dynamic  systems,  model checking,  abstract  interpretation,  logic and automata  theory,  control theory,  computational  models in  systems  biology, and  software  and systems engineering.


TUW will bring an expertise in state-of-the-art artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies, tools and methods.

Key Contribution

Translating natural language requirements in a formal verification language.

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