Know-Center is Austria’s leading research center for data-driven business and big data analytics. With our data-driven technologies we make Europe’s economy ready for Big Data and the data-driven business models of tomorrow.
As a connecting link between science and industry, the Know-Center conducts application-oriented research in cooperation with a large network of international academic institutions and companies. Our scientific strategy is to integrate approaches from (big) data analytics with human-centered computing to create cognitive computing systems that will enable humans to utilize massive amounts of data. In these systems the latest findings and technologies from the fields of data analytics, machine learning, semantic systems and interactive and human centered design are incorporated. Depending on the specific needs of our partners and customers, our approach to problem-solving involves different perspectives: sometimes data acts as starting point, other times we start from the point of view of work processes.
The Know-Center is located in Graz and an employer to more than 85 data scientists and researchers. In its 16 years of experience, Know-Center has carried out about 600 applied industry focused research projects and more than 30 international projects and EU projects. This know-how makes the Know-Center the hub for Europe's data-driven economy in Austria.

Know-Center GmbH
Inffeldgasse 13, 6th floor
8010 Graz
Our ambitious long-term research goal is to integrate approaches from (big) data analytics with human-centered computing to create secure cognitive computing systems that will enable humans to utilize massive amounts of data in order to innovate & sustain their business.
KNOW is work package leader of WP1 “Methods and Tools Enabling AI and ML in the ECS Domain”, due to its past experience serving this role and its skills and competences relevant for this work package. KNOW has acquired knowledge and practical experience in the field of artificial intelligence in numerous projects, ranging from traditional machine learning techniques to most recent advances in the field, with a recent emphasis on Deep Learning techniques. In addition, KNOW will contribute its competences in the area of knowledge management for the work packages WP1 and WP4.
Key Contribution
- Provide competences in the area of Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning (e.g. select which architecture is most promising)
- Data science methods, i.e. best practices on how to collect data, how to manage (large) data sets, how to pre-process data (ETL process), how to analyse data
- Expertise in stakeholder-oriented software design
- Expertise in technologies for learning at individual and organizational level, for work process support, and for knowledge management